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My Intentional Motherhood ~ Metamorphosizing Purpose

My journey into motherhood began in what society would call an "unconventional" way, but within me, it was with every bit of intentionality, clarity, purpose, and with all the love in my heart. I chose to become a mother as a solo parent from conception. Not because I didn't want to bask in love with my soul mate and husband, but there were a number of factors that ultimately lead to the manifestation of my first and then second son as a solo mother by choice. Though my future husband wasn't in my physical reality yet, I knew my life and my family was by my design, by my creation. I also knew that I had to work out some corks in the area of love first, within myself. Having children was something I was more than ready for and I was at a great age in my mid-30's to start having my children.

I became a mother in 2015 and my second was born in 2018 and I quickly realized, though I loved what I did professionally, there was so much more to my purpose then what I was offering in my career and business endeavors. From a young age, I knew within me that being a mom would be my biggest life purpose. My careers, at times, almost felt like "fillers" until I could become a mother and fulfill on my purpose.

It wasn't until my spiritual awakening recently that I fully understood the expanse of this mission as I nurture them in the embodiment and remembering of themselves. Their souls and hearts are already so advanced and meant for this time on the planet. They are here on big missions, I can see it in who they are already and I am here to support them and cultivate their highest potentials.

I am raising little humans in such a way that empowers them to discover their purpose, to live life from their heart, to listen and trust their intuition, and to view life with gratitude and joy. I am teaching my children to be present and aware, to be self-confident and understand that they get to choose their life; to be supportive and conscientious of those around them, whether friends or strangers; to listen to their bodies and heart; to share their thoughts and ideas, and that their voice and opinions are valued.

I believe in conversation and interaction with our children that doesn’t limit their beliefs; conversation that creates possibilities rather than limitations, and opens up creative thinking rather than false story and reservation. I believe in virtues-based learning, where in any situation or lesson, they can learn not by being made wrong, but by the virtue through which they can build character. They are sponges for information and growth, and I believe in allowing them to soak it all in.

I am raising empowered, embodied children who understand that their life is by their design, starting right now. If I had no other soul mission, this would feel complete for me. As I continue on this ascension journey and personal evolution, my purpose as a mother to these powerful and divine souls becomes more expansive and clearer every day.

Spiritual Embodiment Coach

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